Family Island: Multicrafter, Bathroom, Stone Deposit, and Totem of Happiness Guide

In Family Island, managing your resources and buildings is key to progressing efficiently. This guide covers four important aspects of the game: the Multicrafter, Bathroom, Stone Deposit, and Totem of Happiness.


The Multicrafter is a production building that becomes available once you reach Level 30. It allows you to craft essential items like:

  • Stone Block
  • Limestone Block
  • Beam
  • Palm Beam
  • Millstone

Multicrafter Upgrades

Upgrading the Multicrafter improves its efficiency. Below are the resources needed for each level:

125 Palm Logs, 15 Leathers, 10 Blue Paint
210 Millstone, 12 Palm Beam, 8 Barrel

By upgrading the Multicrafter, you can produce more items and advance further in the game.


The Bathroom is a crucial building that provides you with Energy. It unlocks at Level 6 and is essential for maintaining your progress.

However, the Bathroom can break and will display as “broken” until repaired. Without repairs, it will simply act as a decoration and won’t provide any energy.

Bathroom Repairs and Upgrades

Bathrooms and showers frequently break down, especially with regular use. Here’s how to handle them:

  1. Check the Building Name: If the building is broken, it will be indicated in its name.
  2. Building Menu Messages: “Increase energy bonus” means you’re upgrading, while “Generates energy” is seen in the repair window.

Upgrade Resources for Bathroom

Upgrading the Bathroom increases the energy it provides. Here’s what you’ll need for each level:

130 Sticks, 5 Stakes, 5 HidesGives 3 energyInstantlvl 6
215 Boards, 15 Resin, 15 CandlesGives 4 energy15hrlvl 17
310 Jugs, 10 Leathers, 20 OcherGives 5 energy30hrlvl 34
420 Iron pipes, 20 Ladders, 7 TroughsGives 7 energy
Family Island Bathroom Upgrade Resources

Repair Resources for Bathroom

Here’s what you need to repair the Bathroom:

13 Hides, 3 Wattles, 1 Gold SawGives 3 energyRepaired gives 15 energy
23 Hides, 2 Clay Pots, 2 Gold SawsGives 4 energy
35 Hides, 3 Soaps, 2 Gold SawsGives 5 energy
Family Island Bathroom Repair Resources

Remember, after upgrading, your Bathroom will break again, and you’ll need to repair it to continue receiving energy.

Stone Deposit

Stone Deposits are a common resource found on every island. They are crucial for gathering materials to craft items. However, there’s a strategy to maximize your efficiency.

Harvesting Tips for Stone Deposit

It’s often more energy-efficient to harvest multiple small stone deposits than to tackle larger ones. For example:

  • Two 15-energy deposits: Costs 30 energy and yields 6 stones.
  • One 34-energy deposit: Costs 34 energy and also yields 6 stones.

This approach saves energy, allowing you to gather more resources over time.

Locations for Stone Deposit

The location of the stone deposit can also impact your rewards:

  • Festival Islands: Harvesting here often gives you festival points or specific resources along with stones. For instance, during snowball-themed festivals, you might receive snowballs as well.
  • Home Island: Expect 3 stones about 30% of the time and 4 stones about 70% of the time.

Totem of Happiness

The Totem of Happiness is another building that provides Energy. It unlocks at Level 19 and gives you energy every 3 hours.

Upgrading the Totem of Happiness

To upgrade the Totem of Happiness, you’ll need to acquire the Magic 8 Ball. Here’s how:

  1. Watch for Dialogues: Keep an eye on the dialogues on the left side of your screen.
  2. Complete Quests: Make sure you’ve read and completed any new dialogues.
  3. Obtain the Magic 8 Ball: After these steps, the Magic 8 Ball will be yours, allowing you to upgrade the Totem of Happiness.

Once upgraded, the Totem of Happiness will provide you with more energy, helping you tackle tasks more efficiently.