- On this page
- What are Crazy Fox pets
- Rakun in Crazy Fox
- Draggie in Crazy Fox
- Ellie in Crazy Fox
- Crazy Fox best pet
Crazy Fox pets guide contains information about Rakun, Draggie and Ellie pets. Where to find pets, How to get (unlock) pets, their abilities, how to feed them and more.
What are pets in Crazy Fox?
The pets in the Crazy Fox game are your companions in Raid, Attack and to protect your world level items.
There are three pets in the game with various abilities. You can feed pets and use their abilities to get more coins and save your world.
Crazy Fox pets:
- Rakun – Best for Raid.
- Draggie – Best for Attack.
- Ellie – Best for Attack defense.

Where can I find my pets in Crazy Fox?
Pets are available after world level 4 and can be found to the right of the PRESS button.
There, you’ll see one of the Pets, or you’ll find an egg – if you do not hatch any pet yet.
Next, tap the pet or egg to go to the Pet Area, where you select or change your pet, feed your pet to keep them awake and give them Pet XP to level them up.
Rakun in Crazy Fox
Rakun is the first pet unlocked in the game and his skills are very helpful in Raids. This Rakun pet will dig up the fourth spot in Raid to earn more coins.
Complete world level 4 to unlock Rakun in Crazy Fox. After completing level 4, you can hatch the Rakun egg.
Raid with Rakun after feeding him to gain more coins from the raid. You can tap XP to upgrade Rakun, you get more coins when Rakun reaches higher levels.
You can feed and upgrade Rakun from the pet area in the game.
Draggie in Crazy Fox
Complete the card set Mammal to unlock Draggie pet in Crazy Fox. After completing the Mammal card set, you get a Draggie egg to hatch.
You can win more coins from Attacks by selecting Draggie pet. More coins and stars depend on the draggie’s level.
You can feed and upgrade Draggie from the pet area in the game.
Ellie in Crazy Fox
Complete the card set Dinosaur to unlock Ellie pet in Crazy Fox. After completing the Dinosaur card set, you get an Ellie egg to hatch.
In Crazy Fox Ellie defends World items from other players’ Attack. It defends your world items when you do not have any shields to protect your world.
You can feed and upgrade Ellie from the pet area in the game.
Which pet is the best in Crazy Fox?
In Crazy Fox, each pet has its skills and benefits, which means their value will vary with different players and situations. Overall, Rakun provides maximum value as it is easily unlocked and helps to get more coins in Raid.
That’s it,
Hope you find this Crazy Fox pets guide informative. Next, you may also like to check out Crazy Fox free spins and coins page to collect some rewards.