Crazy Fox Cards Set Album – Get Free Spins XPs Chests Coins

Crazy Fox card sets are a good way to get more free spins, XPs, chests, coins and more rewards. And, here you will know about Crazy Fox cards, sets, albums and set rewards.

How to get free spins XPs chests and coins from cards set?

To get free spins, coins and more set rewards from the Crazy Fox card set, you need to complete the card set. Each card set is a collection of 9 same types of cards. And, to complete the set, you need to collect all 9 cards of the set.

Chests and card trading are two ways to collect cards in Crazy Fox.

You can get chests in game by completing levels, completing sets, in raid, reward spin, events and game shop. In card trading, you can send or ask for cards to friends in game.

Completing the card set will earn you the set rewards, which appear below the card set name.

Here, rewards are based on card’s rarity; the more rare cards in a set, the more big rewards.

What are Crazy Fox cards?

In Crazy Fox, cards are collectible items that can help you complete sets and earn rewards. You can get them by opening chests or by asking your friends.

Every card in Crazy Fox has stars, and the more stars a card has, the more valuable and rare it is.

What are Crazy Fox card sets?

Card set is a collection of the same type of cards. For an example, a Bird card set has a collection of different bird cards.

Completing card sets in Crazy Fox gives you free set rewards, which appear below the card set name. Card set rewards include spins, XPs, chests, coins and more game items. Here, rewards are based on card rarity.

What is the Crazy Fox card album?

Crazy Fox card album is a group of card sets. On the album’s main page, you can see the list of all card sets with status(how much set completed, set unlocked or not).

You can see card sets in the card album. Here, you can view the completed sets, the level at which new sets will unlock, and the complete list of all card sets.

In between, you may like to collect free spins from the daily Crazy Fox free spins reward page.

We hope you find given information helpful to collecting and earning rewards!

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