Dice Dreams is a popular game that offers various ways to get free rolls, coins, stickers, and other rewards. Players can use these freebies to enhance their gameplay and progress faster.
Table of Contents
This is a comprehensive guide on how to claim Dice Dreams free rolls and other rewards. It includes daily links for free rolls, coins, and stickers, as well as tips on maximizing your rewards.
To redeem Dice Dreams free rolls link rewards: Open link from the device where you are playing your Dice Dreams game. Next, link will open Dice Dreams app and display gift reward dialog to collect rolls in game.
Dice Dreams free rolls links
March 13
March 11
March 9
March 8
March 6
March 4
March 3
To redeem Dice Dreams free rolls link rewards: Open link from the device where you are playing your Dice Dreams game. Next, link will open Dice Dreams app and display gift reward dialog to collect rolls in game.
What are Dice Dreams free rolls?
Dice Dreams free rolls are game freebies which are shared by Dice Dreams game via Dice Dreams free roll links.
These links are published by Dice Dreams on their social media pages. Players can collect free rolls, coins, Attack X3, Steal X3 and more rewards from links.
How to redeem Dice Dreams free rolls?
You can redeem and collect Dice Dreams free rolls and more rewards from rolls link by click and visit link. Link will open a game app and display a reward dialog to collect gifts.
Note: For each player, the link will work for one time only. So, If you already collect rolls from the link and try again to click a link, then the link will not work and shows “Link reward not available” message in game.
How do you get more rolls on Dice Dreams?
You can get more free rolls on Dice Dreams by 8 different ways. They are reward links, daily reward, hourly rolls, invite friends, events, build kingdom, sticker sets and watch rewarded videos.
1. Dice Dreams daily reward links
For game users, Dice Dreams share daily reward links on their official Facebook and Instagram pages.
These links give Dice Dreams free rolls, coins, Dice Dreams free spins and other resource items in game. You can follow game social media pages or this post to get all these links.
2. Daily reward calendar
Game has a daily rewards calendar feature. In this feature, you will get a free gift by opening a game daily. And, by collecting regular 7 days rewards, you can claim a 7th-day big prize.
3. Hourly free rolls
These hourly free rolls are available when you have less than 50 rolls remaining. You will get 5 rolls within an interval of one hour. It is very useful when you run out of rolls.
4. Invite friends
From the Dice Dream invite friends feature, you can send an invite link to your friends. And, for every successful invite and new game users joining, you will get hearts which fill the chest reward bar. After completing the reward bar, you will get a chest reward.
5. Play events
There are many events available in the Dice Dreams game. Events are an amazing way to win more rewards in game. So, play events with more dice rolls and complete events for big rewards.
6. Build Kingdom
Rebuilding all available kingdoms is the main goal of the game. Players will be rewarded with rolls and other goodies on kingdom build completion. So, it is good practice to spend coins and build a kingdom from time to time.
7. Complete stickers set
Stickers in Dice Dreams are collectible items and found during game playing. There are stickers set of 9 unique stickers, and on competition of each set, users will get free rolls. Here, roll rewards depend on sticker set rarity.
8. Watch rewarded video
In game, you can get additional free rolls by watching rewarded video. You can collect watch ads rewards for a limited number of times. Here, you will get a few rolls, but this is good option to get free rolls.
That’s it,
Hope you find Dice Dreams free rolls links and list of ways to get more rolls guide helpful.
All links are 100% free and gathered from Dice Dreams social pages. Dice Dreams game post links on their official social media platforms like Facebook Instagram daily. We just collect them and update them here for game fans and users.