Dice Dreams Daily Rewards Calendar (Complete Guide)

Daily Rewards Calendar is an amazing feature to get free rolls, coins and more rewards in Dice Dreams. This post explains how you can get free rolls and coins from the daily rewards feature.

Daily Rewards Calendar in Dice Dreams

Rewards Calendar feature in Dice Dreams gives free rewards daily. Rewards are available day wise and special gifts available on day 7, day 8, day 15, day 22 and day 28.

Note: Daily rewards calendar resets at 00:00 your local time.

How to get free rolls coins from Daily Rewards Calendar

You can get free rolls, coins and more rewards from Daily Rewards Calendar by open game daily and claim available rewards.

Rewards are day wise and reset every week, so never miss a day to claim the day 7 big prize.

That’s it,

Wait, here is another amazing way to get Dice Dreams free rolls and coins daily, you may like it.

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