Dragon City Event Schedule: July 2024

Hey Dragon City players! Looking for Dragon City events calendar 2024? Here is a table of Dragon City Events, which has a list of current and upcoming Dragon City events details.

Dragon City events calendar for May 2023 contain, event duration, event name and new dragon name.

Dragon City Events: July 2024

27 June – 4 July: Pride!

  • Collection Dragon: Found Family Dragon
  • Exclusive Collectible: Rainbow Heart Pin

27 June – 1 July

  • Maze Island
  • Puzzle Island

1 July – 4 July

  • Tower Island
  • Runner Island

4 July – 11 July: Fourth of July – Monument

  • Collection Dragon: Monument Dragon
  • Exclusive Collectible: Monument Souvenir

4 July – 8 July

  • Grid Island

8 July – 11 July

  • Fog Island

4 July – 15 July: Fourth of July – Heroic Race

  • New Dragon: High Sparkle Dragon

11 July – 18 July: Fourth of July – Summer Nights

  • Collection Dragon: Summer Nights Dragon
  • Exclusive Collectible: Firefly

11 July – 15 July

  • Maze Island

15 July – 18 July

  • Fog Island
  • Runner Island

18 July – 25 July: Fourth of July – Stargazer

  • Collection Dragon: Stargazer Dragon
  • Exclusive Collectible: Telescope

18 July – 22 July

  • Maze Island
  • Puzzle Island

22 July – 25 July

  • Tower Island
  • Runner Island

24 July – 1 August: Blockbuster Heroes – Reanimation

  • Collection Dragon: Reanimation Dragon
  • Exclusive Collectible: Hero Mask

25 July – 29 July

  • Grid Island
  • Puzzle Island

29 July – 1 August

  • Fog Island
  • Runner Island

List is full of exciting events, right?

This events table is helpful for all Dragon Masters, to know about active and upcoming events.

Now, let’s check some overviews about Dragon City Events.

What are the events in the Dragon City mobile game?

Events are mini games, which are available for a limited time. Players can play exciting events and win amazing rewards for game progress.

In game, events are available for different time limits, 4 days, 5 days and more. Dragon City’s events do not last more than 11 days.

That’s it,

Next, we will update this post every month(once the game releases such details). So, you will get the latest events details.

Hope, you find this events list helpful.

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