Found this problem just after I logged into the Coin Master game using Facebook connect. After trying given solutions, Teams and Friends features working now.
I thought this information will also be helpful for Coin Master fans, if they are also not able to play with friends.
Coin Master Teams and Friends Disabled
How did this issue happen to me? For clean storage, I uninstall the game and install it again. Next, from the opening screen, I connect the game with my Facebook account.
But, when the game opens, I found that the Teams option and Friends option are showing disabled and tap action not working on it.
Both options look like below image.

How to fix Coin Master Teams and Friends Disabled options?
In my case, to fix Coin Master Teams and Friends disabled options, I logged out from the Coin Master game, closed the game app, opened the game again and re-login with my Facebook account.
But, after trying this solution both options do not activate immediately.
Next, After waiting 5-10 minutes, Teams and Friends options are activated automatically in the Coin Master game.
Things to Know: When you login (Facebook connect) to Coin Master game, it seems sometimes the game takes 5-10 minutes to set up your account. So, after login, wait for a few minutes before trying the above or other solutions.