Fortnite V-Bucks To USD Calculator

Fortnite V-Bucks to USD calculator with custom exchange rate option. 1 V-Buck is worth $0.00899. Note that this calculator doesn’t include bonus V-Bucks you get when you buy bulk V-Bucks at a time.

V-Bucks to USD Conversion Calculator

Fortnite V-Bucks To USD
multiply V-Bucks by conversion rate, then round to 2 decimals.

1 V-Buck = USD (US Dollar)

V-Bucks To USD | V-Bucks To EUR | V-Bucks To GBP

The converter will show you the value of V-Bucks in US dollars ($USD) or the value of US dollars ($USD) in V-Bucks.

  • To find the value of V-Bucks in US dollars ($USD), enter the number of V-Bucks value in the “V-Bucks” box.
  • To find the value of US dollars ($USD) in V-Bucks, enter the amount of money in the “USD” box.
  • If you want to use a specific exchange rate, you can enter it in the “Set Conversion Rate” box.

V-Bucks Package Prices in USD

  • 1000 V-Bucks: $8.99 (formerly $7.99)
  • 2800 V-Bucks: $22.99 (formerly $19.99)
  • 5000 V-Bucks: $36.99 (formerly $31.99)
  • 13500 V-Bucks: $89.99 (formerly $79.99)

For additional information concerning Fortnite price adjustments – you may view all of the revised prices here.

Note: The actual USD value of V-Bucks packages and the V-Bucks to USD calculator may vary due to additional benefits received with package purchases, such as extra V-Bucks.


The V-Bucks to USD calculator is for informational purposes. Calculated values are not real-time market conditions and exclude bonus V-Bucks. Users should verify conversion rates because rates may vary. The creators are not liable for financial decisions made based on calculated values.