This guide is about Ark Color IDs. You will get all Ark Color IDs list and know how to set dino color. Guide also explains how to use the setTargetDinoColor console command.
Ark Color IDs list
Ark Color ID | Color name | Hex code |
1 | Red | #ff0000 |
2 | Blue | #0000ff |
3 | Green | #00ff00 |
4 | Yellow | #ffff00 |
5 | Cyan | #00ffff |
6 | Magenta | #ff00ff |
7 | Light Green | #c0ffba |
8 | Light Grey | #c8caca |
9 | Light Brown | #786759 |
10 | Light Orange | #ffb46c |
11 | Light Yellow | #fffa8a |
12 | Light Red | #ff756c |
13 | Dark Grey | #7b7b7b |
14 | Black | #3b3b3b |
15 | Brown | #593a2a |
16 | Dark Green | #224900 |
17 | Dark Red | #812118 |
18 | White | #ffffff |
19 | Dino Light Red | #ffa8a8 |
20 | Dino Dark Red | #592b2b |
21 | Dino Light Orange | #ffb694 |
22 | Dino Dark Orange | #88532f |
23 | Dino Light Yellow | #cacaa0 |
24 | Dino Dark Yellow | #94946c |
25 | Dino Light Green | #e0ffe0 |
26 | Dino Medium Green | #799479 |
27 | Dino Dark Green | #224122 |
28 | Dino Light Blue | #d9e0ff |
29 | Dino Dark Blue | #394263 |
30 | Dino Light Purple | #e4d9ff |
31 | Dino Dark Purple | #403459 |
32 | Dino Light Brown | #ffe0ba |
33 | Dino Medium Brown | #948575 |
34 | Dino Dark Brown | #594e41 |
35 | Dino Darker Grey | #595959 |
36 | Dino Albino | #ffffff |
37 | BigFoot0 | #b79683 |
38 | BigFoot4 | #eadad5 |
39 | BigFoot5 | #d0a794 |
40 | WolfFur | #c3b39f |
41 | DarkWolfFur | #887666 |
42 | DragonBase0 | #a0664b |
43 | DragonBase1 | #cb7956 |
44 | DragonFire | #bc4f00 |
45 | DragonGreen0 | #79846c |
46 | DragonGreen1 | #909c79 |
47 | DragonGreen2 | #a5a48b |
48 | DragonGreen3 | #2D4B56 |
49 | WyvernPurple0 | #302C4F |
50 | WyvernPurple1 | #705E88 |
51 | WyvernBlue0 | #1F3964 |
52 | WyvernBlue1 | #101B2D |
53 | Dino Medium Blue | #1D60D2 |
54 | Dino Deep Blue | #0E23A9 |
55 | NearWhite | #D8D8D8 |
56 | NearBlack | #141414 |
57 | DarkTurquoise | #184546 |
58 | MediumTurquoise | #007060 |
59 | Turquoise | #00c5ab |
60 | GreenSlate | #40594c |
61 | Sage | #3e4f40 |
62 | DarkWarmGray | #3b3938 |
63 | MediumWarmGray | #585554 |
64 | LightWarmGray | #9b9290 |
65 | DarkCement | #525b56 |
66 | LightCement | #8aa196 |
67 | LightPink | #e8b0ff |
68 | DeepPink | #ff119a |
69 | DarkViolet | #730046 |
70 | DarkMagenta | #b70042 |
71 | BurntSienna | #7e331e |
72 | MediumAutumn | #a93000 |
73 | Vermillion | #ef3100 |
74 | Coral | #ff5834 |
75 | Orange | #ff7f00 |
76 | Peach | #ffa73a |
77 | LightAutumn | #ae7000 |
78 | Mustard | #949427 |
79 | ActualBlack | #171717 |
80 | MidnightBlue | #191d36 |
81 | DarkBlue | #152b3a |
82 | BlackSands | #302531 |
83 | LemonLime | #a8ff44 |
84 | Mint | #38e985 |
85 | Jade | #008840 |
86 | PineGreen | #0f552e |
87 | SpruceGreen | #005b45 |
88 | LeafGreen | #5b9725 |
89 | DarkLavender | #5e275f |
90 | MediumLavender | #853587 |
91 | Lavender | #bd77be |
92 | DarkTeal | #0e404a |
93 | MediumTeal | #105563 |
94 | Teal Hex | #14849c |
95 | PowderBlue | #82a7ff |
96 | Glacial | #aceaff |
97 | Cammo | #505118 |
98 | DryMoss | #766e3f |
99 | Custard | #c0bd5e |
100 | Cream | #f4ffc0 |
Ark Dye IDs list
Dye Color ID | Color name | Hex code |
201 | Black Dye | #1f1f1f |
202 | Blue Dye | #0000ff |
203 | Brown Dye | #756147 |
204 | Cyan Dye | #00ffff |
205 | Forest Dye | #006c00 |
206 | Green Dye | #00ff00 |
207 | Purple Dye | #6c00ba |
208 | Orange Dye | #ff8800 |
209 | Parchment Dye | #ffffba |
210 | Pink Dye | #ff7be1 |
211 | Uncraftable Purple | #7b00e0 |
212 | Red Dye | #ff0000 |
213 | Royalty Dye | #7b00a8 |
214 | Silver Dye | #e0e0e0 |
215 | Sky Dye | #bad4ff |
216 | Tan Dye | #ffed82 |
217 | Tangerine Dye | #ad652c |
218 | White Dye | #fefefe |
219 | Yellow Dye | #ffff00 |
220 | Magenta Dye | #e71fd9 |
221 | Brick Dye | #94341f |
222 | Cantaloupe Dye | #ff9a00 |
223 | Mud Dye | #473b2b |
224 | Navy Dye | #34346c |
225 | Olive Dye | #baba59 |
226 | Slate Dye | #595959 |
How to set Dino Color in ARK: Survival Evolved?
- PC – Press tab key.
- Xbox – Enter pause screen and press [LB] [RB] [X] [Y] keys simultaneously.
- PlayStation – Enter pause screen and press [L1] [R1] [Square] [Triangle] keys simultaneously.
Command to set Dino color:
setTargetDinoColor <REGION> <COLOR-ID>
Possible REGION values are numbers 0 to 6, and COLOR-ID is Ark Color ID.
For example: setTargetDinoColor 0 3
That’s it,
Hope you find the given Ark Color IDs list and Dino set color command guide helpful.