Total Battle Artifacts: Your Complete Guide

Unlocking, upgrading, and optimizing Artifacts in Total Battle can significantly boost your Captains’ performance. Here’s a simple guide to help you get the most out of your Artifacts.

Quick Answer

Unlock Artifacts when you reach level 4 Guardsmen. Upgrade them with Artifact fragments to increase levels and star ratings. Each star unlocks a bonus slot, and Artifacts can be customized for better performance.

Unlocking Artifacts

How Do I Unlock Artifacts?

To unlock Artifacts, you need to reach level 4 Guardsmen. Once you achieve this, your Captains will have a new Artifact slot available in the main Captain management window.

Upgrading Artifacts

How Can I Upgrade Artifacts?

Artifacts can be upgraded by increasing their level through Artifact Experience. The maximum level an Artifact can reach is determined by its star level. To increase an Artifact’s star level, use Artifact fragments of the corresponding type.

What Are Artifact Levels and Star Levels?

An Artifact’s level increases with Artifact Experience. Each star level allows the Artifact to reach a higher maximum level. You can increase the star level by using Artifact fragments, with each star consisting of five parts. Completing these parts boosts the Artifact’s main bonus.

Customizing Artifact Bonuses

Can I Change the Bonuses on My Artifacts?

Yes, you can change the random bonuses on your Artifacts. Each full star unlocks a new random bonus slot, and each Artifact has its own pool of potential bonuses. When you change bonuses, they all change at once, but you can choose to keep either the old or new set.

How Do I Keep a Specific Bonus?

To keep a specific bonus, click on the bonus you want to retain in the Random Bonuses window. This will place a lock next to the bonus, preventing it from being changed. Note that locking a bonus increases the cost of changing bonuses.

Finding and Accessing Artifacts

Where Can I Find Artifacts?

You can access the Artifact menu by clicking the circle icon in the upper left part of the Captain management window. New Artifact fragments can be claimed in the Summoning Circle’s corresponding section.

Understanding Artifact Bonuses

What Bonuses Do Artifacts Provide?

Each Artifact has a main bonus that increases with the Artifact’s level and star levels. Additionally, random bonuses are added when you fully unlock stars. Each new full star unlocks a slot for a random bonus, and each star is made up of five parts.

Managing Artifacts

How Many Artifacts Can Each Captain Have?

Each Captain can use one Artifact at a time, but you can switch Artifacts between Captains. This flexibility allows you to optimize your team’s performance.

Why Isn’t My Artifact Working?

Artifacts only work on hired Captains who are placed in active slots. Ensure your Captain is hired and in an active slot for the Artifact to be effective.

How Many Bonuses Can an Artifact Have?

An Artifact can have up to five random bonuses, one for each star. The bonuses become available as you unlock each star.

By understanding and using these features, you can maximize your Captains’ potential in Total Battle. This guide provides the answers to common beginner queries, making it easier to navigate the world of Artifacts.