New Friends option available in Coin Master Game now. You can check friends list, visit friend village or remove friend and invite friends from this option.

Where this “Friends” option available in game?
This new option available in games main menu. When you tap on three line button on top right corner, it will open main menu. You will find “Friends” option in 4th position from bottom.
What this “Friends” option do in Coin Master game?
This option is like friend manager. When you tap, it will open your friends list, who already playing this game. Friends list show in leaderboard position order. From bottom “Invite Friends” button, you can invite more friends in game and get free spins.
There are two options available with all friend names in list. First is “Visit“, by this, you can visit related friends village. Second is “Remove“, by this, you can remove particular friend from game.
Note: you cannot remove friends connected through your social network using Friends “Remove” option.
That’s it.
Hope, you like new Friends option in Coin Master Game. This is nice option by game, which will helps you to manage your friends in game.