Which Junglers Take Drakes the Fastest in League of Legends

Discover which junglers can take down drakes the fastest in League of Legends. Learn tips and strategies for effective drake control as a beginner.

Securing early drakes can give your team significant advantages. If you’re a beginner looking to understand which junglers excel at taking down drakes quickly, this guide will help you get started.

In League of Legends, the junglers who can take drakes the fastest are Shyvana, Diana, Udyr, and Kha’Zix. Shyvana’s passive boosts her damage against drakes, Diana’s burst damage is ideal for quick takedowns, Udyr’s stances provide high damage output, and Kha’Zix excels with his evolved abilities. For best results, use vision control, time your attempts carefully, and ensure you’re well-equipped.

Which Junglers Can Take Drakes the Fastest?


Why is Shyvana good at taking drakes?

Shyvana’s passive grants bonus damage to dragons, making her extremely effective at taking them down quickly.

How can I maximize Shyvana’s effectiveness?

You can solo a drake at level 4, but it’s safer to wait until after your first back. Make sure the enemy jungler is on the opposite side of the map to reduce risk.


What makes Diana a strong choice for drake control?

Diana’s passive deals significant burst damage to monsters, and her empowered auto-attacks and attack speed buffs allow her to melt drakes quickly.

What’s the best strategy for Diana?

Diana can solo Baron with 2.5 items. For optimal dragon control, consider building Rabadon’s Deathcap as your second item for increased DPS.


How does Udyr excel in taking down drakes?

Udyr’s Phoenix Stance and Tiger Stance provide high sustained damage, enabling him to solo drakes early.

Any tips for using Udyr effectively?

Use Phoenix Stance for area damage and Tiger Stance for single-target DPS. Manage your stances carefully to maximize your damage output.


Why choose Kha’Zix for early drakes?

Kha’Zix excels against isolated targets, which is ideal for solo drakes. His evolved Q allows for quick objective takedowns.

How should I play Kha’Zix for best results?

Evolve Q first for faster clear times. Use deep vision (yellow trinket + pink ward) to avoid enemy interference.


What makes Vi good at soloing drakes?

Vi’s W provides % max HP damage and attack speed, allowing her to shred through drakes efficiently.

How can I use Vi to secure early drakes?

Solo drake at level 3 or 4 with proper passive management. A good strategy is to full clear into bottom scuttle and then dragon at 5 minutes.

Are There Other Junglers Who Are Good at Taking Drakes?

Honorable Mentions

Warwick: Warwick’s W passive grants bonus attack speed against low-health targets, making him effective at taking down drakes.

Master Yi: High attack speed and damage. Yi is quick at taking drakes, especially with full crit/attack speed builds.

Nunu: Nunu’s consume ability allows for safe and fast objective securing. His high sustain makes him reliable for early drakes.

What Tips Can Help Me Secure Early Drakes?

Vision Control: Use yellow trinkets and pink wards to maintain vision around the dragon pit. Deep vision helps you avoid enemy collapses.

Timing: Coordinate with your team. Ensure the enemy jungler is not in a position to contest the drake. Timing your dragon take with the enemy jungler’s appearance on the opposite side of the map is crucial.

Itemization: Ensure you have the necessary items before attempting to solo drake. Diana’s Rabadon’s Deathcap second item can significantly increase her damage output.

Team Composition: Consider your team’s overall strategy and how early drake control fits into it. Certain team compositions might benefit more from early drakes.

Securing early drakes can be a game-changer in League of Legends. Using these junglers and tips, you can give your team the advantage needed to victory.