Teams is a new update feature in Coin Master. In this Teams feature update game users can create team of 50 members. Teams helps to get free spins, trade cards and chat with teammates.
In this post, you will get detailed guide about Coin Master Teams feature. So, Let’s get started..,
What is Teams in Coin Master game?
Teams is new feature in Coin Master under friends option. In this “Teams” feature game users can join team or create own team of 50 members. In team group all teammates can request for spins, request for card, donate card and chat with team members.
So, “Teams” in Coin Master is like chat group where as a member, you can chat, request free spins, request for card and donate cards.
This team feature will very much beneficial for card exchange. Because, here card request and donate card process managed voluntarily between teammates. So, you can easily get required cards.
All over Teams is amazing feature which 100% helps to complete village levels fast with the help of team of friends. Watch this Teams feature preview video on Coin Master facebook page.
Where i can find Teams option in Coin Master game?
Teams option in Coin Master is part of Friends option. So, if Teams option unlocked for you, then you can open it from “Game menu > FRIENDS > Teams tab”. You can also quickly open Teams tab from bottom right corner by tapping teams badge icon.

In Teams tab you will find list of teams to join (if you not a member of any team yet). Here, you also get option button to create your own team.
And, if you already a member of any team, then game will shows “My Team” tab, Where you can get help from teammates or be helpful to your teammates.
How to create teams in Coin Master game?
You can create your team in Coin Master game from Teams tab. This “Teams” tab available only if you already not a member of any team.
And, if you already member of team and want to create team, then you need to leave current joined team.
Following are steps to create team in Coin Master game.
- Open Teams tab from game’s FRIENDS menu option.
- Tap “create” green button.
- Type Team name.
- Select team Badge icon.
- Add team description.
- Choose team type (Open/Close).
- Set required number of stars to join team.
- Tap “Create 1M” button to create team.
Note: To create your own team, you need to spent 1M coins in Coin Master game.

How to join team in Coin Master?
You can join team in Coin Master from “Teams” tab under FRIEND option. Here, you will find teams list and team search option. To join team, tap on team name and image section from teams list, next tap green “JOIN” button in team info popup. Now, you will be team member, if your account satisfy team membership criteria.
In team info popup, you will get team detail and already joined members list. So, you will get all detail before join team.
What is required starts in Coin Master teams?
Coin Master team have required stars criteria. It means, if team owner set number of required starts to join team, then only game users with that number of stars or above can join team.
How can I join the Closed type team?
Closed type team joining process is the same as the open type team. But, for a closed type team, after making a request for team joining, you need to wait for Team leader approval to join the team.
How to leave team in Coin Master?
In Coin Master you can join one team at a time. So, if you want to join new team or want to create your own team, you need to leave your current joined team.
To leave team in Coin Master, first open “My Team” tab and tap team’s yellow “Info” button. Here, in team info, tap on red “Leave” button. Next, confirm your action to leave team.

That’s it, now you are no more member of any group.
What is team members limit in Coin Master Teams?
Coin Master team have limit of maximum 50 members. It means, you can not create team more than 50 members. And, new members not join team if it’s member limit over.
What are benefits of Coin Master Teams?
Following are three benefits or things you can do in Coin Master team.
Spin Request
In Coin Master team after every 8 hour you can request for free 10 spins. When any teammate request for spins, that request shown in team tab with “Help” button.
Next, teammates can tap help button of each others request. Two spins will be added to your current spins when any team member clicks the help button to your request. Once, requested 10 spins help complete, you will get total 10 free spins.

Note: Here help of each 2 spins will not deducted from your account spins. So, you can help your teammates without worry.
Card Request
In Coin Master team after every 24 hour you can request for missing cards to complete card set. When any teammate request for card, that request shown in team tab with “Donate” button.
Next, teammates can donate card if they have extra requested card. So, by this way you can get and donate missing cards.

With chat option in team, you can share helping information with teammates. Chat helps to communicate with team members.
How many teams can I join in Coin Master Teams?
You can join 1 team at a time. It means, you can not join multiple teams at the same time. And, you need to leave current joined team to join another team.
And, if you try to join second team, then Coin Master will shown “You must leave a team before joining a new one” message.
Is Teams unlocked for all Coin Master users?
Coin Master Teams is new feature and unlocked for random users in different countries. But, it will unlocked for all users very soon.
So, if you not found “Teams” in your game yet, then wait for this amazing feature. It will available soon for you.
How to get teams in coin master?
Teams update in Coin Master is for all users. And, no action required from your side to get teams update. But, this is a new feature and rolling out slowly. So, you need to wait for it. This new update will be available very soon to all users.
How to join a friend’s team or invite friends to join my team in Coin Master?
Team is a great feature in Coin Master and you definitely want to be a part of a team where all your friends are available.
Above case is possible, If you create your own team and your friends join your team, or you join your friend team.
Following detail is related to develop team of your friends in the Coin Master Teams.
How to find and join a friends Team in Coin Master?
You can search your friend’s team name in the Teams list. But, here it is possible that you may not find all teams in search results.
If you do not find your friend’s team in Teams search, then try the following easy method. I.e., Open friends team from Friends tab.
To find your friend team first go to your “Friends” list tab in Coin Master.
Here, find your friend’s name from the list.
And, if your friend’s name does not exist in the list, then send “Invite Friend” request to your friend and add friend in Coin Master friends list.

Now, tap on your friend name to open the friend feature option popup. Here, you will get the “View Team” option to open your friend’s team. “View Team” option only displays if your friends have their own team.
At last, tap on friend’s “View Team” option to open his/her team and join it.
How to invite friends to join my team in Coin Master?
You can not invite friends to join your team in Coin Master.
Your friends can search your team name in the Teams list and join your team.
Your friends can directly open your team from “Friends tab > Tap your name in list > View Team” option.
It means, your friends can join your team from team search or directly open your team from friends list. But, you can not invite them to join your team from the game.
Team Chests in Coin Master
Team Chests is a team event in the Coin Master game. This event is available in team, it means users need to build or join team to play this event and get rewards from this event.
This team chest is a limited time event. In this event, all teammates play the Coin Master game and collect items(e.g., keys) to complete the event target bar for different chests.
At the end of the team chest event, all teammates get the last chest whose target was completed by teammates. It means, current completed chest.
For example, if the team’s last current completed chest is chest-4, then all teammates get chest-4 as team chest reward.
FAQs for Coin Master Teams feature
Can I get requested cards and spins after leaving the team?
No, after leaving the team in Coin Master, you will not get the requested card even if teammate click donate to your request.
Where do I find spins which are helped by teammates in Coin Master?
When any teammate clicks the “Help” button to your spin request, then 2 spins directly add to your current spin count.
So, no action required from your side and you can get this spins direct in your account spin balance.
Can I request for Gold cards in the Coin Master Team?
No, you can not request for Gold cards in Coin Master Team. You can only request for normal cards which are missing in your card sets.
Can I change the team name in Coin Master?
No, you can not change team name once the team is created.
How to remove members from the Coin Master Team?
Team leader(admin) can remove a team member by tapping the “Kick out” option. To open the “Kick out” option, tap the team’s “info” button and next tap on a member from the list.
How to change admin on Coin Master Team?
You can not change or set another team admin(leader) in Coin Master.
As per Coin Master support page: “If the Team Leader leaves the team, the player who has been part of the team the longest becomes the new Team Leader.”
At Last,
Hope you found Coin Master Teams feature information helpful. We will update more information based on your comments and game updates.
Where can i get the card i am requesting in team?
When you request card in team and teammate donates that card, then you will get that card direct in your card set (in card set where card required).
What is the team chest reward
Thanks for query, Answer detail updated in post under "Team Chests in Coin Master" title.