This guide provides updated answers and solutions for Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles, making it easy to solve every level. It covers logic problems, wordplay challenges, and visual riddles.
Brain Test Level Answers
Find answers, solutions, and walkthroughs for all Brain Test levels in this guide. It helps you solve tricky puzzles step by step.
We keep our answers updated, but developers may occasionally make changes, so some solutions might vary.
Level 1
Which one is the biggest.
Answer: The lion.
Level 2
How to blossom this flower.
Answer: Drag the clouds to reveal the sun.
Level 3
Put the elephant into the fridge.
Answer: Tap the fridge, then tap the elephant.
Level 4
Which one is closest to us.
Answer: “Month” is closest to “us.”
Level 5
How many pizza slices do we have.
Answer: Move the top slices to reveal more. There are 9.
Level 6
I overtook the 2nd placed racer, what is my position?.
Answer: 2nd.
Level 7
Slide left to unlock.
Answer: Slide the arrow left.
Level 8
Feed the cat please, he is hungry.
Answer: Drag the cookies onto the word “cat.”
Level 9
Where is the green ball.
Answer: Merge the blue and yellow balls.
Level 10
What is unusual in this picture?.
Answer: The clown has six fingers.
Level 11
Which one is longest.
Answer: February (it has more letters).
Level 12
Catch 5 Falling Apples.
Answer: Tap the falling apples.
Level 13
Tom must jump to the other side.
Answer: Drag the mushroom to Tom, then tap the jump button.
Level 14
Turn it off! too dangerous.
Answer: Tap the red button on the kettle.
Level 15
Answer: 27
Level 16
Tap them in order.
Answer: 1, 49, 80, 5, 7, 11, 101: Tap the numbers in the given order.
Level 17
What is the hidden number?.
Answer: Drag the stone. The number is 40.
Level 18
How many month have 28 days?.
Answer: 12 (All months have at least 28 days).
Level 19
Please save this boy!.
Answer: Dig in the hill area for a bone. Give the bone to the dog.
Level 20
Where is the black sheep?.
Answer: Drag the word “black” onto a sheep.
Level 21
What is the last letter in spelling?.
Answer: G.
Level 22
There is an intruder in our cat party!.
Answer: There’s a rat in the red circle.
Level 23
Save her!.
Answer: Bring the clouds together.
Level 24
Catch the mouse!.
Answer: Use the arrow buttons to move the cat out of the maze.
Level 25
Tom is hungry again, please help.
Answer: Put the cat food in the oven and turn it on.
Level 26
Make them fall in love.
Answer: Drag the balloon near the wedding rings.
Level 27
What a terrible dice roll! Help me please.
Answer: Shake your phone.
Level 28
Click on the calves please.
Answer: Move the cows together, then tap the four calves.
Level 29
Which cat is on the right.
Answer: Slide the screen to reveal another cat.
Level 30
Spot the differences.
Answer: There are no differences.
Level 31
How many holes are there in the shirt?.
Answer: 8.
Level 32
Answer: 11
Level 33
Help the car cross the bridge.
Answer: Hold the cracked part of the bridge and tap the car.
Level 34
He must get to his car to escape the zombies!.
Answer: Maneuver him around the zombies to the car.
Level 35
Please open the soda.
Answer: Shake your phone.
Level 36
Where is the cat above this text?.
Answer: Move the text down.
Level 37
1 9 ?.
Answer: 4 (Four crosses)
Level 38
It is too dark! I can’t find my cat!.
Answer: Drag the lightbulb across the screen.
Level 39
Reach to the finish before time runs out.
Answer: Tap the clock until it breaks, then tap the car.
Level 40
We must be ready before the guests arrive!.
Answer: Rub the dirty glasses.
Level 41
Where is my rabbit?.
Answer: Create a rabbit from the vegetables (see hint).
Level 42
Get the biggest number possible.
Answer: 999
Level 43
Stop the baby’s crying, PLEASE!.
Answer: Turn your phone upside down.
Level 44
Where is my chocolate egg?!.
Answer: Drag the middle egg under the sun.
Level 45
Timmy is hungry, please feed him.
Answer: Add salt and cold water to his food, then feed him.
Level 46
Which monkey is carsick?.
Answer: Shake your phone.
Level 47
Blue has to win this race.
Answer: Give the blue barrel to the blue car, then tap “go.”
Level 48
Help this poor guy, please.
Answer: Turn your phone face down.
Level 49
Make the red win the race.
Answer: Drag “red” from the question and put it after “cars.”
Level 50
Burn everything!.
Answer: Burn the word “everything” in the question.
Level 51
Jack did not study for the exam, but he has to pass.
Answer: Make Jack’s neck longer to copy answers.
Level 52
Which building is the strongest?.
Answer: Shake your phone.
Level 53
We need 9 apples.
Answer: Rotate the “9” to make a “6.”
Level 54
Pick the red color!.
Answer: Tap the balls in this order: blue text (red), orange text (yellow), orange ball (red text).
Level 55
How can the bus pass through there?.
Answer: Zoom out the bus.
Level 56
How many eggs are there?.
Answer: Tap all the “eggs.”
Level 57
Scissor has to win.
Answer: Use paper to remove stones, then scissor to cut paper.
Level 58
Stop the alien invasion!.
Answer: Tap all the aliens (not the cats).
Level 59
Help me achieve victory!.
Answer: Tap “VIC,” “TO,” “RY” in the correct order.
Level 60
Help this poor man, please.
Answer: Move the skirt on the women’s bathroom sign.
Level 61
How can this be correct?!.
Answer: Shoot the “X”s to turn them into “+”.
Level 62
What occurs twice in a week, once in a year and never in a month?.
Answer: The letter “E”.
Level 63
Remove 6 sticks and make it a 10.
Answer: Remove sticks to form the word “TEN”.
Level 64
Help this frog fly.
Answer: Hold your finger on the frog’s nose.
Level 65
Our cat is still hungry.
Answer: Light a match and use it to trigger the mouse trap.
Level 66
I want 9 candies, please.
Answer: Open the candy box, turn your phone upside down, and shake it three times.
Level 67
Click them from low to high.
Answer: Tap from bottom to top.
Level 68
Don’t tell me you forgot to buy his birthday present!.
Answer: Drag the gift to the boy.
Level 69
Click on the animals, from smallest to biggest.
Answer: Mouse, lion, elephant.
Level 70
How can this equation work?.
Answer: Move “70” from “level 70” before “50”.
Level 71
Help the mother lion.
Answer: Drag hair from the male lion to the female lion.
Level 72
How many squares are there?.
Answer: Zero.
Level 73
Press the button 100 times.
Answer: Remove “00” and press the button once.
Level 74
The fisherman is having a terrible day, help him catch a fish.
Answer: Split the apples to find a worm, then use it as bait.
Level 75
She is so sad that she burnt the eggs, please cheer her up.
Answer: Turn back the clock to 2 o’clock.
Level 76
How many rectangles are there?.
Answer: Four.
Level 77
How many balls are there?.
Answer: Rotate your phone; there are 10.
Level 78
How many cubes are there?.
Answer: 10.
Level 79
Turn on the TV please.
Answer: Use two fingers on the broken cable.
Level 80
Today is Jim’s 2nd birthday. Light the candles for him.
Answer: Light one candle, then use it to light the others.
Level 81
The Boxer on the left should win.
Answer: Move a ball to the left boxer’s glove to enlarge it, then start the fight.
Level 82
Make this equation correct.
Answer: Use “8” and “2” from “level 82” in the equation.
Level 83
Please stop this fight.
Answer: Break the cookie in half and give a piece to each boy.
Level 84
How many letters are left if E and T leave the alphabet?.
Answer: 6.
Level 85
Show me your patience.
Answer: Wait.
Level 86
Birdie has overslept. Try shaking the tree.
Answer: Hold the branch and shake your phone.
Level 87
Find the mistake here.
Answer: Tap “mlstake”.
Level 88
Who wins the battle?.
Answer: Drag “100” from “100 knights” onto “100 barbarians.”
Level 89
Let the cat in please. it is freezing outside.
Answer: Flip your phone.
Level 90
Please turn on all the lights.
Answer: Tap all buttons, then drag the right lamp off-screen.
Level 91
Complete the leve please.
Answer: Add “L” from “LEVEL” to “leve”.
Level 92
Click on the blue button 6 times.
Answer: Tap 4 times, remove the red button, tap the revealed blue button 2 times.
Level 93
10=25 35=75 65=105 25=?.
Answer: 10
Level 94
Aww… She wants an ice cream too.
Answer: Make an ice cream from the hat and girl’s hair.
Level 95
They say curiosity kills the cat, but can you kill it as well?.
Answer: Drag “curiosity” onto the cat.
Level 96
I want some mayo.
Answer: Turn your phone upside down and shake it.
Level 97
Help me catch that rabbit.
Answer: Drag the trap near the rabbit, then tap the carrots.
Level 98
The baby is crying again. I suspect she is gassy.
Answer: Rub the baby’s belly.
Level 99
What is the minimum number of chairs we need for the dinner.
Answer: 11.
Level 100
What is a cat’s child called?.
Answer: Tap “cat’s”.
Level 101
Give them apples, but never leave the plate empty.
Answer: Give apples to two kids, then the last apple with the plate.
Level 102
Please help me find my socks.
Answer: Zoom out.
Level 103
Tom the cat wants to fly.
Answer: Place Tom on one side of the seesaw and drop the anvil on the other.
Level 104
Feed them all.
Answer: Grass to grasshopper, grasshopper to mouse, mouse to cat.
Level 105
Each of these brothers has a sister. How many siblings are there?.
Answer: 6.
Level 106
He refuses to eat his mom’s delicious soup.
Answer: Make the mug fall on his feet.
Level 107
What is the total cost?.
Answer: 12.
Level 108
Eeek! Catch it before my mom suffers a heart attack.
Answer: Close the valves, then tap the mouse and close the final valve.
Level 109
Teacher wants a rectangle.
Answer: Use the scalpel on the red shape.
Level 110
Help him get back his wallet, please.
Answer: Hold the crocodile’s mouth open and drag the hand.
Level 111
Help the car cross the river.
Answer: Freeze the river by putting the cloud over the sun.
Level 112
Feed them. One for each please.
Answer: Feed the last fish first, then the third, then the first.
Level 113
I can’t start the video.
Answer: Move the play button to the laptop.
Level 114
His coffee has gotten cold.
Answer: Use the mirrors to reflect the flashlight’s light into the cup.
Level 115
Find a frame for these colored objects.
Answer: Combine the shapes into the blank square.
Level 116
Make this correct.
Answer: 9 – 3 = 6 or 3 + 3 = 6.
Level 117
Click on the fruits in a certain order.
Answer: Apple, cherries, bananas, grapes.
Level 118
Birthday time! How old is he though?.
Answer: 5.
Level 119
Help her hit the target.
Answer: Zoom in on the target.
Level 120
Help the rat get the cheese.
Answer: Tap the red gates (see hint).
Level 121
What should we put in place of the question mark?.
Answer: R.
Level 122
Which car is the slowest.
Answer: “Car”.
Level 123
How does this equation work?.
Answer: Drag “7+6+” off-screen.
Level 124
We need 5 actors for our movie, who will not to get a callback?.
Answer: Remove the blonde boy’s hair.
Level 125
Help the kid on the right win the snowball fight.
Answer: Make his snowball bigger.
Level 126
Help me. I don’t know where to turn.
Answer: Rotate your phone left.
Level 127
Which one is the longest?.
Answer: Try each blower on the kid’s face.
Level 128
Where does bee honey come from?.
Answer: “Bee”.
Level 129
We need 10 dollars!.
Answer: Take the wallet and open it.
Level 130
If 1 chicken is cooked in 5 minutes, how long would it take to cook 5 chickens?.
Answer: 5 minutes.
Level 131
Discover gravity.
Answer: Shake your phone.
Level 132
Another miserable man needs your help.
Answer: Turn him into Spider-Man using the radioactive spider.
Level 133
What should we put at the question mark?.
Answer: N.
Level 134
I had 10 fish in my aquarium, and I came home to see that 6 of them died. How many are left in the aquarium?.
Answer: 10.
Level 135
Where do they hide the diamond they stole?.
Answer: Remove the middle man’s hat and hair.
Level 136
Where is the ball?.
Answer: Tap the nose, then swipe up on the cups.
Level 137
Match the objects with correct countries.
Answer: Connect all to France.
Level 138
How to build a tower?.
Answer: Stack them.
Level 139
Oh man! She is crying again! help please….
Answer: Put the car wheels on the dad’s face.
Level 140
Mouse (4) + Cat (6) + Upside-down Cat (9) = 17.
Level 141
Help this bodybuilder please.
Answer: Remove the weights.
Level 142
The student can’t think of an answer to the test question.
Answer: Turn your phone upside down.
Level 143
Timmy needs to eat healthy.
Answer: Hold the hamburger to open his mouth, then put in the broccoli.
Level 144
How to defeat the wizard?.
Answer: Use your leaf card on his water, water on his fire, and fire on his leaf.
Level 145
Aliens are infiltrating. Find them.
Answer: Check the red circles (see hint).
Level 146
What is in the middle of America?.
Answer: “r”.
Level 147
Looks so sad. Cheer him up please.
Answer: Turn his mouth into a smile.
Level 148
A vampire! Help! Help.
Answer: Open the window shade.
Level 149
How many triangles are there?.
Answer: 5.
Level 150
Feed our cat from left to right.
Answer: Drag the cat off the right side.
Level 151
They need justice.
Answer: Put the boy’s ice cream in the box twice, the other four times.
Level 152
We need a green ball.
Answer: Merge the yellow and blue balls.
Level 153
Break the window with the stone.
Answer: Drag “stone” onto “window” in the question.
Level 154
Neighbors are having a crazy party in the middle of the night. Stop it.
Answer:Â Take phone and call 911.
Level 155
How can it be true?.
Answer: Reveal more “1”s to make 111 > 100.
Level 156
Blue has to win.
Answer: Drag the finish line down.
Level 157
Save them all.
Answer: Connect the skydivers’ hands.
Level 158
Fix the clock please.
Answer: Set the time to 2 o’clock.
Level 159
Cheer him up please.
Answer: Rub his big foot.
Level 160
Horsy wishes to be a unicorn.
Answer: Drag a star to the horse’s head.
Level 161
Please unlock the door, I am trapped outside.
Answer: Move the mat to find the key.
Level 162
Tortoise must win.
Answer: Remove the shell when the rockets start.
Level 163
What is the number below the dice?.
Answer: 15 (Drag the dice).
Level 164
Just had a son! Pick a name for him.
Answer: Drag “son” after “JA” to make “JASON”.
Level 165
Well, she is at it again! What’s wrong this time?.
Answer: Remove the spider.
Level 166
Collect 3 apples please.
Answer: Move the basket under each falling apple and shake your phone.
Level 167
Get to 6 please.
Answer: Tap until 9, then flip your phone.
Level 168
Find all the animals in the picture.
Answer: Tap the rabbits and snake, then drag the snake to the horse.
Level 169
Help Tom get his fish.
Answer: Manipulate the dog’s gaze to let the cat reach the fish.
Level 170
We want to go to New York.
Answer: Move the doorkeeper.
Level 171
Poor crow is unable to eat the walnut.
Answer: Drop the walnut on the stone.
Level 172
Build me a snowman please.
Answer: Use the clouds and sun.
Level 173
Form the image on the puzzle.
Answer: Complete the puzzle.
Level 174
She loves him or she loves him not?.
Answer: Pluck the petals and the flower in her hair.
Level 175
The blue car is in a hurry, help it.
Answer: Add the blue part to the front of the car.
Level 176
Help the ghost hunter with his ghost traps.
Answer: Place the traps where the ghosts appear.
Level 177
What is the reverse of bad?.
Answer: DAB.
Level 178
What does he see?.
Answer: See the image hint.
Level 179
Ok, time to lift off.
Answer: Turn your phone left and tap 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Level 180
How many dots are there, I wonder.
Answer: 4 (See the image hint).
Level 181
What is the %50 of 55.
Answer: 5.
Level 182
End this war.
Answer: Point the cannons at each other and fire.
Level 183
Help me carry this box to the dolly please.
Answer: Rotate your phone and the box.
Level 184
You got caught speeding, oops.
Answer: Give the donuts to the police.
Level 185
Tom is hungry, catch that mouse.
Answer: Move the carpet.
Level 186
I declare that today is your birthday, pick a gift.
Answer: Tap “gift”.
Level 187
I hate math! Get rid of this number.
Answer: Make “Gone” (G + one).
Level 188
Find the pairs and win the game.
Answer: Split the double-carrot card.
Level 189
I saw this riddle on reddit. Where is the bull.
Answer: Put “red” in front of “bulls”.
Level 190
Correct this equation please.
Answer: Erase the “1” in “10”.
Level 191
I hate this! The baby is crying again! Stop this scream.
Answer: Add “I” before “scream” to make “Ice Cream”.
Level 192
Click on green 3 times, blue 10 times and red 5 times.
Answer: Tap the buttons accordingly.
Level 193
When I was 6 years old, my sister was half of my age and my brother was twice of my age. 5 years later, what is the sum of my siblings’ ages?.
Answer: 25.
Level 194
How many circles are there?.
Answer: 7 (See image hint).
Level 195
Your pets are drowning, which one will you save?.
Answer: Tap them all at once.
Level 196
Such a moody weather….
Answer: Put the picture on the window and zoom out.
Level 197
Complete the equation correctly.
Answer: See the image hint (367 + 15 = 382 or 365 + 17 = 382).
Level 198
Our dog is so dirty, clean him up please.
Answer: Pour water on the dog and shake your phone.
Level 199
They all need some warmth.
Answer: Put the fire in the middle.
Level 200
What is under the tree?.
Answer: Move “the tree” and tap the cat.
Level 201
Quickly tap the numbers in order.
Answer: Tap in order, noting the switch of 7 and 8.
Level 202
Solve the puzzle.
Answer: Complete the puzzle (see hint).
Level 203
We must score a goal.
Answer: Arrange players (see hint).
Level 204
Teach our cat how to hunt please.
Answer: Cover the cat with the box, put cheese on the floor, remove the box.
Level 205
Find the treasure.
Answer: Dig at the “X” mark under the rocks.
Level 206
I lost the brakes! HELP.
Answer: Put a cloud between the rocks and the car.
Level 207
Where is the mother lion?.
Answer: Tap the apples three times.
Level 208
Tortoise must win the race.
Answer: Put the banana on the rabbit’s path.
Level 209
Help him.
Answer: Drag the blade from his dream to him.
Level 210
Make a choice.
Answer: Rub the left choice.
Level 211
This man annoyed the llama, get his revenge.
Answer: Make it rain on the boy, then tap the llama.
Level 212
How many teeth he has?.
Answer: 12.
Level 213
We must fill all of the grids in the factory.
Answer: Fill grids 1, then 2, then 4.
Level 214
Try to follow the correct pattern.
Answer: Tap Orange, Blue, Red, Red, Green.
Level 215
Horsy wishes for wings now.
Answer: Drag the star from the magic stick to the sky.
Level 216
Separate the colors please.
Answer: Pour the colors into separate tubes.
Level 217
Help! She can’t stop jumping.
Answer: Move the mattress under her and remove the trampoline.
Level 218
Candy must reach to the mouth.
Answer: Rotate your phone to guide the candy.
Level 219
Tom wants to jump again, but we ran out of mushrooms.
Answer: Move the hills closer together.
Level 220
Help our friend to cross the street.
Answer: Create a crosswalk with the white lines.
Level 221
I need an omelette, please.
Answer: Scare the chicken, take an egg, and put it in the pan.
Level 222
She lost her balloon.
Answer: Slide the screen down.
Level 223
How many dogs are there?.
Answer: 10.
Level 224
We must get rid of these microbes.
Answer: Use the wipe and then put it in the fire.
Level 225
I can’t get into my house, help me.
Answer: Zoom in and use the key.
Level 226
Help me feed my lizard.
Answer: Open the window.
Level 227
I have OCD, help me.
Answer: Separate the balls by color.
Level 228
Tom found yet another valley to jump.
Answer: Put a cloud between the hills.
Level 229
Find all of the animals.
Answer: Find the hidden squirrel and snakes.
Level 230
What is X?.
Answer: D) 0
Level 231
He wants 5 glasses of milk and 3 cookies.
Answer: Change “5” to “3” in the question.
Level 232
Help the man escape.
Answer: Block the zombie and go to the car.
Level 233
Help our hero.
Answer: Turn your phone upside down.
Level 234
Find a solution before others see her face.
Answer: Clean her face with the napkin.
Level 235
She is so tired, help please.
Answer: Swap the clean and dirty plates in the dishwasher and cabinet.
Level 236
Help her hit the target.
Answer: Move the target.
Level 237
Help the blue boxer once again.
Answer: Distract the red boxer and start the fight.
Level 238
How can Tom jump this time?.
Answer: Move Tom to the edge of the hill.
Level 239
We must stop this monster.
Answer: Use the green basket.
Level 240
Horsy wants a princess now.
Answer: Use the hammer on the wizard, then put the star in the sky.
Level 241
Pick the apples.
Answer: Tap all apples (not the tomato).
Level 242
We need a fire.
Answer: Remove the boy’s hat and reveal the sun.
Level 243
Draw a triangle please.
Answer: Move the middle dot.
Level 244
There are some weird things going on around here, find them.
Answer: See the image hint.
Level 245
He needs some help.
Answer: Drag “help” into the blank space.
Level 246
How can this be correct.
Answer: Rotate your phone upside down.
Level 247
Which monkey has the longest tail.
Answer: Drag the monkeys up.
Level 248
He wants the same burger.
Answer: Build the burger in the correct order.
Level 249
The computer works too slow and it makes him sad.
Answer: Clean the fans.
Level 250
Oh no! He is so late for work today.
Answer: Change the date on the calendar.
Level 251
Help the man reach his house.
Answer: Swipe the red bars.
Level 252
Where is the dog hiding.
Answer: Drag the light.
Level 253
Get rid of this traffic.
Answer: Rotate your phone.
Level 254
Complete your sword training.
Answer: Move the sword three times.
Level 255
The ghost must escape from the traps.
Answer: Follow the tapping sequence: down-right-right-right-down-down-left-left-down-down-right-right-right-right.
Level 256
Oh no! Her flower is dying.
Answer: Give forage to the cow, then use the poop and water on the flower.
Level 257
Help me fix my car, please.
Answer: Drag “fix” onto the car.
Level 258
Save the town.
Answer: Swipe up the mountain.
Level 259
Help him defend the little turtles.
Answer: Tap the turtle’s face, then drag the shell.
Level 260
You must reform the face.
Answer: Drag the black line.
Level 261
You must win this, somehow….
Answer: Remove the “O” and place your “X”.
Level 262
The red car must win.
Answer: Change the lap counter to 2/2.
Level 263
The cat needs to get to the fish again.
Answer: Make the dog dizzy and move the cat.
Level 264
Help him overcome this boring Monday morning.
Answer: Make coffee.
Level 265
Help these lovers to come together.
Answer: Place and enlarge the wood.
Level 266
She is crying as always.
Answer: Change the TV channel.
Level 267
We must conquer the castle.
Answer: Use the torch on the catapult.
Level 268
Sir Noobalot requires your help to defeat the dragon.
Answer: Position the soldier and use water on the dragon.
Level 269
What is on Jupiter?.
Answer: Put the question mark on Jupiter.
Level 270
Oh no! Prevent this accident.
Answer: Pull the horn string.
Level 271
He is so angry, calm him down.
Answer: Rotate your phone down.
Level 272
We must open this vault.
Answer: Use the code “12358”.
Level 273
Sir Noobalot must defeat a troll this time.
Answer: Make the troll hit the bridge twice.
Level 274
Why is the car in front not moving?.
Answer: Tap the sleeping driver.
Level 275
What is the answer?.
Answer: Drag 13 to A (A=20).
Level 276
Time to school, wake him up please.
Answer: Pull his eyelids up.
Level 277
Satisfy our customer please.
Answer: Put all food on the tray and give it to him.
Level 278
What is the question mark?.
Answer: 19.
Level 279
Arggh! get rid of these mosquitoes, please.
Answer: Lower the thermometer.
Level 280
Pick the correct colors at the screens.
Answer: Yellow, Yellow, Blue.
Level 281
Help us, we can’t find our home.
Answer: Swipe right and tap Earth.
Level 282
I wonder which one of these fish is the biggest one.
Answer: Use the pufferfish.
Level 283
What is the number above 4?.
Answer: 5.
Level 284
Help this guy avoid a ticket.
Answer: Put the lightbulb in the headlight.
Level 285
Adjust the side view according to the top view.
Answer: Adjust the side views.
Level 286
Make the 6th shape follow the pattern.
Answer: Remove the bottom left circle.
Level 287
Jack should stay at home and finish his homework.
Answer: Move the door.
Level 288
Tom Wants To eat all of the fish.
Answer: Drag Tom from smallest to largest fish.
Level 289
Time to eat and drink healthy.
Answer: Swipe the boy, avoiding unhealthy food.
Level 290
These people don’t like each other and they get to building without coming across.
Answer: Use the trashcan and stone to block them.
Level 291
One of these bears is not real.
Answer: Use the honey jar on the bears.
Level 292
Clean him up please.
Answer: Swipe the tissue on his face.
Level 293
There is a ghost somewhere help me find it.
Answer: Pour the flour.
Level 294
Something is wrong here.
Answer: Adjust the platforms (see hint).
Level 295
Which way leads to the exit.
Answer: Use the torch on each exit. The right one is correct.
Level 296
Find out which one is the mother.
Answer: Use the teddy bear.
Level 297
Uh! Something is wrong here.
Answer: Give the items to the correct people.
Level 298
Which one did this?.
Answer: Use the clock on the sleeping person.
Level 299
I want something to eat.
Answer: See the video walkthrough.
Level 300
Which one of them ate my ice cream?!.
Answer: Rotate the right girl.
Level 301
Save her.
Answer: Hold both cloth sides and tap jump.
Level 302
Which one of them spiled the milk?.
Answer: Drag the cereal box and touch the cat.
Level 303
Eww! This monkey stinks.
Answer: Put stones in the water tank.
Level 304
Which one of them is a real superhero?.
Answer: Push the boy off the cliff.
Level 305
The blue wizard must win.
Answer: Use the chandelier spell.
Level 306
I can’t bear this noise.
Answer: Put your finger on the instrument’s output.
Level 307
Which one tells the truth?.
Answer: “Three of us are liars.”
Level 308
Which egg is raw?.
Answer: Break the eggs.
Level 309
She wants a purple hair.
Answer: Mix red and blue.
Level 310
Tap them in order.
Answer: Boy, rabbit, bird, llama, chicken, cat.
Level 311
Which one is an ice cream.
Answer: Put them in the sun.
Level 312
I need you to mix these two liquids.
Answer: Shake your phone while covering the bottle.
Level 313
My mom cooks 1 potato in 25 minutes.
Answer: 25 minutes.
Level 314
Push the buttons.
Answer: Push the word “buttons” and the orange button.
Level 315
Find the answer.
Answer: 15.
Level 316
Open the treasure vault’s door.
Answer: Tap the circles in this order: Right, Up, Down, Left.
Level 317
Solve this murder.
Answer: Use the alarm clock on the dead man.
Level 318
The mouse needs a Bath.
Answer: Connect the pipes.
Level 319
Which one is his shadow.
Answer: Pay attention to the hand and hair.
Level 320
He is too hot.
Answer: Remove his socks.
Level 321
Wake him up please.
Answer: Connect the headphone to the phone.
Level 322
Stop the Bully.
Answer: Shake the red bottle.
Level 323
Bring the ball.
Answer: Tap to stop the ball in the correct areas.
Level 324
Kids don’t go to his home.
Answer: Use the sword and candle on the pumpkin.
Level 325
How many real Ghosts.
Answer: Swipe up on the ghosts and tap the zero.
Level 326
Time for the candy inspection.
Answer: Empty the pumpkins and collect hidden candies.
Level 327
Make them all happy.
Answer: Arrange the colors in the correct rows.
Level 328
Where is the rabbit.
Answer: Hold the pink ear and swipe up.
Level 329
Where is the princess.
Answer: Remove the beards.
Level 330
Help me open this safe.
Answer: Tap the circles in color order (Blue, Red, Yellow, Green).
Level 331
Stop the monster.
Answer: Put the screw in the cannon.
Level 332
What should be that shape.
Answer: Drag the orange cat.
Level 333
Help her complete the exam.
Answer: Rotate the hourglass.
Level 334
Find the secret number.
Answer: Rearrange the books by color.
Level 335
Help me pick a date.
Answer: Go to June 30th.
Level 336
Treat this patient doctor.
Answer: Use the monitor and swipe the broken bones.
Level 337
How can he cross the street.
Answer: Change the store tag to “open.”
Level 338
There must be a hidden door.
Answer: Move the sofa and roll the carpet.
Level 339
Help the Red Kingdom win.
Answer: Arrange the men and tap “Battle.”
Level 340
Find the criminal.
Answer: Drag the hat to the x-ray monitor.
Level 341
Music is too loud Stop it.
Answer: Break the speaker button.
Level 342
Complete the parkour.
Answer: Swipe up and pull down the last barrier.
Level 343
They are Hungry.
Answer: Cut the chicken and distribute the parts.
Level 344
There is an alien among them.
Answer: Use the x-ray monitor on the pregnant woman.
Level 345
Please get me a squirrel.
Answer: Swap the animals in the given order.
Level 346
The blue car must win.
Answer: Use the pumps on the yellow and red cars, then tap “GO”.
Level 347
Here is another valley.
Answer: Drag the “JUMP” button up.
Level 348
Score a goal.
Answer: Tap “GO.”
Level 349
Tap them in this order.
Answer: Follow the numbered order.
Level 350
Save this mouse from the cats.
Answer: Guide the mouse to the cheese.
Level 351
Help her reach to her mother.
Answer: Move the stone, then swipe right and down.
Level 352
Click on the animals.
Answer: Move the tree and tap in order: mouse, cat, lion, elephant.
Level 353
The cat wants to fly.
Answer: Put Tom on one side of the seesaw, then drop the cow on the other.
Level 354
Help the ghost get out.
Answer: Tap the directions: left, left, down, down, left, left, down, down, right, right, down, right, right, right.
Level 355
Cut down the zombies.
Answer: Swipe the ninja.
Level 356
We must keep them warm.
Answer: Place the campfires.
Level 357
The blue army must win.
Answer: Arrange the blue soldiers.
Level 358
Where is the spy.
Answer: Tap the girl’s picture.
Level 359
He must reach.
Answer: Move the soil and hit the doll.
Level 360
Help him beat.
Answer: Choose and close his fist.
Level 361
Help Santa to take off.
Answer: Give the deer a nose.
Level 362
Help him win.
Answer: Pull his tongue and put the candy on it.
Level 363
Complete the Christmas tree.
Answer: Confuse the cat and put the star on the tree.
Level 364
His team must win.
Answer: Tilt your phone left.
Level 365
They are falling down.
Answer: Rearrange the deer.
Level 366
He must finish the glass.
Answer: Tap him to jump.
Level 367
It’s cold.
Answer: Open the gifts and put coal in the fireplace.
Level 368
Time to lose weight.
Answer: Tighten his belt.
Level 369
Uncover the secret.
Answer: Move her hair.
Level 370
My car is not moving.
Answer: Tilt the road.
Level 371
Balance the seesaw.
Answer: Rearrange the weights.
Level 372
He wants big muscles.
Answer: Zoom in on “muscles.”
Level 373
Time to get rich.
Answer: Tap the dog and drag the coin.
Level 374
She ran out of make up.
Answer: Give her natural eyelashes.
Level 375
It’s too hot.
Answer: Use the umbrella on the sun.
Level 376
Doggy wants to taste.
Answer: Move the cloud and make it snow.
Level 377
He wants to be taller.
Answer: Use the brush.
Level 378
Save the titanic.
Answer: Move the clouds.
Level 379
Make both of them happy.
Answer: Give the beard to the bald man.
Level 380
One of them is suspicious.
Answer: Rub their heads.
Level 381
Agent Smith must catch.
Answer: Add money to the thief’s bag.
Level 382
Who is naughty.
Answer: Swipe right.
Level 383
Bring the lovers together.
Answer: Arrange the fruits.
Level 384
We must roll 6.
Answer: Shake your phone.
Level 385
The blue must win.
Answer: Stop the other cars.
Level 386
Find a way to sweep.
Answer: Use the cat.
Level 387
That kid wants to jump.
Answer: Feed the sheep and drop it on the seesaw.
Level 388
Save my sheep.
Answer: Move the sheep.
Level 389
The mouse must go.
Answer: Tap the mouse and move the target.
Level 390
She wants her natural.
Answer: (Duplicate of L389, so same answer).
Level 391
He lost his wand.
Answer: Give him the banana.
Level 392
My auto mechanic friend.
Answer: Create a crash.
Level 393
Save that sleeping driver.
Answer: Move the hill.
Level 394
Save the kid from bullies.
Answer: Zoom in on the black ball.
Level 395
The blue army must win.
Answer: Stop the blue horseman.
Level 396
The slower kid must win.
Answer: Break the egg under the faster kid.
Level 397
How many spiders.
Answer: 0 (They are ants).
Level 398
Please stop her crying.
Answer: Put the fridge in front of the door.
Level 399
Get rid of these tiles.
Answer: Match the tiles.
Level 400
The car must go to right edge.
Answer: Make a trapezoid.
Level 401
You must open that safe.
Answer: Rearrange the balls.
Level 402
Hit this.
Answer: Adjust the bow’s angle.
Level 403
You must reveal his secret.
Answer: Pull up his bed.
Level 404
Save the parachuter.
Answer: Move the clouds.
Level 405
Tap on the blue 2 times.
Answer: Be aware of color changes.
Level 406
Protect my sheep.
Answer: Move the sheep behind the dog.
Level 407
Turn off these lights.
Answer: Tap the switches.
Level 408
Stop their fight please.
Answer: Burn the money.
Level 409
Help him cool down.
Answer: Move the fridge and swipe the thermometer.
Level 410
He wants to be a race car driver.
Answer: Enlarge the car and place it on him.
Level 411
Light up the birthday candles.
Answer: Use the clouds to make lightning.
Level 412
Where is the giant.
Answer: Move the sheep and swipe the egg.
Level 413
I want 9 orange cats.
Answer: Swipe the cats.
Level 414
Why is he disturbed.
Answer: Move the x-ray screen.
Level 415
Don’t let her fall down.
Answer: Give the sheep wings.
Level 416
The dog doesn’t let Tom to pass.
Answer: Move the safe, open it, and flip your phone.
Level 417
The knight must conquer the tower.
Answer: Put the knight in the catapult.
Level 418
The mouse must reach to the cheese.
Answer: Change the directions: right, up, up, right, right.
Level 419
The mage must defeat the ghosts.
Answer: Use the correct cards on each ghost.
Level 420
The young wizard must stop.
Answer: Place the pipes correctly and tap the wizard.
Level 421
Expose the clown’s trick.
Answer: Remove his hat.
Level 422
Tap on the biggest animal.
Answer: Elephant, then smaller cat, then worm.
Level 423
Help him see the time.
Answer: Rotate the blue animal’s hands to 9:00.
Level 424
Draw the shape without lifting your finger.
Answer: Follow the order in the image.
Level 425
Draw the shape without lifting your finger.
Answer: Follow the order in the image. (Duplicate of L424)
Level 426
What’s the answer.
Answer: 4.
Level 427
He wants to get three candies.
Answer: Use the different costumes.
Level 428
They want a fireworks show.
Answer: Use the hammer and candle.
Level 429
Save the kid from the witch.
Answer: Give the witch candy.
Level 430
He wants to show his mask’s.
Answer: Cover the moon.
Level 431
His soup went cold.
Answer: Use the flashlight.
Level 432
Find me a fast monkey.
Answer: Swipe the middle monkey.
Level 433
Discover the scary truth.
Answer: Drag “ZZZ” to the boy and tap the doll.
Level 434
The red team should score a goal.
Answer: Swipe the ball and drag the field.
Level 435
Find the narcissist cat.
Answer: Move the cloud.
Level 436
Make them all happy.
Answer: Place the dots correctly.
Level 437
Find love for the blue bird.
Answer: Move the birds.
Level 438
What’s that cat’s favorite food.
Answer: Give the cat all the food.
Level 439
The blue boxer must win.
Answer: Use a heart on the blue boxer.
Level 440
That boy wants to find love.
Answer: Rotate your phone right.
Level 441
The boy wants a pet for his birthday.
Answer: Open the presents and drag bananas to the tree.
Level 442
The green car must win the race.
Answer: Put the boy in front of the red car.
Level 443
Make him immune to those viruses.
Answer: Drag each virus to him.
Level 444
Where is the naughty.
Answer: Tap the tree.
Level 445
Something is missing with this tree.
Answer: Drag the star to the tree.
Level 446
Santa must bring this kid’s gift.
Answer: Drag the tears to the fire.
Level 447
Santa is dropping the gifts! Stop it.
Answer: Drag Santa’s belt.
Level 448
He can’t find his Christmas gift.
Answer: Turn your phone upside down.