Gossip Harbor Board Full: What Should I Do?

Is your Gossip Harbor board full and you’re not sure what to do? When the board is packed, there are simple steps you can take to free up space and keep your game moving smoothly.

How to Make Space on a Gossip Harbor Full Board

If your Gossip Harbor board is full, save important items in storage, sell or remove items you don’t need, and merge items to make space. Completing orders also clears the board for new items.

When your Gossip Harbor board is full, you can:

1. Move Items to Storage

Drag valuable items into your inventory (located at the bottom left) to save them. Remember, storage space is limited, so buy more slots with Gems if necessary.

2. Sell or Remove Unneeded Items

Tap on items you don’t need and sell them using the sell coin button at the bottom right. This gives you Coins based on the item’s level.

First-stage items can’t be sold, but you can remove them by tapping the trash button.

If you change your mind, you can undo the sale, but it will cost the Coins you received.

3. Merge Items and Complete Orders

Merging items creates higher-level items that take up less space. Completing orders also clears room on the board, making space for new items.

    Tips for Managing Your Board Efficiently

    • Use Inventory Wisely: Save your storage space for important or hard-to-replace items.
    • Prioritize Key Producers: Focus on producers that will give you the most benefit at any given time.
    • Don’t Hesitate to Sell: Sell low-level items that are easy to replace. This keeps your board organized and manageable.

    By following these tips, you can keep your Gossip Harbor board organized, ensuring you always have the space you need to produce new items and advance in the game.

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